
HOTELS & CO is the brand of a unique hotelier spirit, a true label of know-how in the hospitality and catering industries in Reunion Island. HOTELS & CO represents 2 Hotels: PALM Hotel & Spa 5 * and ILOHA Seaview Hotel 3 *, a Spa and wellness brand AKÉA and a wine store les Caves du PALM.

Whether it is its hotels, its wellness areas or its wine cellar, each establishment HOTELS & CO is imbued with a soul, common values resolutely embodied by its founders: Michel and Nanou JAM. the brand has thus set itself the objective creation of value for the territory of reunion, its customers, its employees and its partners, while taking into account the different fundamental aspects of sustainable development (environment, social, economy).

In order to achieve this goal, HOTELS & CO has given itself several missions:

Our missions

To promote and preserve the territory of Reunion island.

Offer unique experiences

Value its employees and the careers in hospitality and F&B.

Value the work and actions from our partners

43 rue des Mascarins, Grande Anse
97429 Petite-Ile – REUNION

For any request, please send an email to


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